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Table 1 Criteria determining level of in-class participation

From: Assessing in-class participation for EFL: considerations of effectiveness and fairness for different learning styles

1. Participating in course content activities appropriately and pro-actively, according to type (e.g. pair/group/class discussions, role plays, presentations etc.)

2. Volunteering answers to teacher questions about course content (in the L2)

3. Asking the teacher questions about course content (in the L2)

4. Following teacher’s instructions or giving instructions to others (in the L2)

5. Making an effort to fully complete in-class activities in a timely manner

6. Using English at all timesa, including down time in the classroom (e.g., small talk while an activity is being set up)

7. Helping others who are having trouble with course content, either in their L1 or in the L2

8. Active listening (when required) during lectures (can have points deducted for mobile phone use, sleep, non-pertinent chatter during teacher talk)

9. Coming prepared with the necessary materials (e.g. textbooks, homework (if given), preparatory materials required to complete in-class activities)

10. Taking notes about course content

  1. aOnly if/when ‘L2 only’ policy is enforced