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Table 2 Interview protocol

From: Language assessment literacy: an uncharted area for the English language teachers in Bangladesh

Part I

 1. Academic and professional qualifications

 2. What type of training did you receive?

 3. Have you learned anything about testing and assessment during your academic and professional training period?

 4. Teaching experiences

 5. Experiences as question setter (for public examinations/for internal school exams)

Part II

 6. Tell me about your experience in conducting language assessment-related tasks.

 7. Did you feel prepared to do those assessment-related tasks when you started your teaching career? How did you develop your LAL over time?

 8. What is your personal philosophy in giving/setting language tests for your students?

 9. How do you use exam feedback in your teaching?/How do you give feedback to the students?

 10. Which approach or theories work as guiding principles in your language teaching and testing practices?

 11. How many types of assessment do you use in evaluating the students?

 12. What kind of influence does the examination have on your classroom instruction?