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Unveiling the Potential Avenues in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Assessment (ICALA): A Focus on Pros and Cons

This Topical Collection delves into the realm of Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Assessment (ICALA), exploring its potential and challenges in language assessment. By incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into language education, ICALA has transformative implications for various academic disciplines, including applied linguistics, computational linguistics, and educational technology. We seek to address the gap in research on ICALA's advantages and disadvantages, emphasizing its impact on the cognitive and psychological well-being of educators and students. We invite submissions of original papers, conceptual papers, systematic reviews, opinions, and meta-analyses from researchers worldwide. Topics include the future of education with ICALA, advancements in positive psychology, practical techniques for ICALA development, and more. Submissions will undergo rigorous peer review, ensuring high-quality contributions aligned with the journal's standards.

Submission Status: Open | Submission Deadline: March 31 2025 
Edited by Fidel Çakmak, Goodarz Shakibaei, and Samantha Curle

New Content ItemLanguage Assessment and Literacy

This special issue brings together cutting edge research and reviews highlighting the issues involved in the understanding of language assessment. Language assessment literacy (LAL) includes skill in the procedures for evaluating language abilities, the ability to build suitable assessments, and just as importantly, the understanding of appropriate mechanisms of feedback that assist learners to improve their target language and reach their short and long-term goals. There are various unresolved issues – that papers may address – such as the gap between stakeholders understanding of dynamic (formative) assessment and their skills in making and applying traditional language tests. The development of procedures that accurately and comprehensively examine stakeholder’s knowledge of language assessment is something that could also be addressed.

Collection published: 18 december 2018
Edited by Hassan Mohebbi and Christine Coombe

New Content ItemCEFR for English Language Assessment in China

This thematic series discusses the applicability of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for English language assessment in local contexts and introduces the work on developing a framework for English language education in China. 

Collection published: 31 January 2017 
Edited by Yan Jin and Guoxing Yu

Language Testing in the Philippines

In the context of educational reform, this collection brings together research reports that look into classroom-based assessment of writing and speaking in the Philippines, as well as a report documenting the process of aligning standards and assessment in the school and department level.
This collection of articles will appeal researchers not only in the Philippines but also in Asia as a whole on assessment reform. The collaborative efforts of researchers will help teachers and educational institutions to increase their assessment literacy and eventually improve teaching and learning.

Collection published: 2 April 2013
Edited by Sterling Plata